Same or Different?

In this challenge, we ask you to play two of the games in our Play to Win pathway and to think about what is the same and what is different about them.

Firstly, have a go at Spirals ...

[embedded version here which has 23 dots in total and players are allowed to move 1, 2, 3 or 4 dots inwards along the spiral, starting at the outer green dot and the winner is the player to reach the red dot first, see]

Now have a go at Got It ...

[embedded version here which has target of 23 dots and players are allowed to choose 1, 2, 3 or 4]

What is the same about these two games?

What is different?

Do you have a winning strategy for Spirals or Got It? 

Can you use your winning strategy in one game to help you find a strategy to win the other one?