What is Wild Maths?
Wild Maths is produced by the Millennium Mathematics Project at the University of Cambridge, who are best known for NRICH and Plus. It is aimed at 7 to 16 year olds exploring maths beyond the classroom, but open to everyone.
Mathematics is a creative subject. It involves spotting patterns, making connections, finding new ways of looking at things and using what you already know in new contexts. Creative mathematicians play around with examples, draw pictures, have the courage to experiment and ask good questions.
Wild Maths provides provides rich and open-ended resources, designed to encourage exploration and discovery, rather than closed problems that come with right-or-wrong answers. We hope that these activities will provide an opportunity to do mathematics the way real mathematicians do, sometimes going off the map, and to hone your creative thinking.
Where should I start?
Wild Maths is packed with games, challenges and investigations for you to explore. Have a go at anything that catches your eye. If you'd like to explore challenges and investigations that are linked by some shared mathematical areas, click on the 'Pathways' link in the top menu.
We've also put together a page with advice for parents and carers on how to support your child. For teachers, we've created collections of complementary resources designed for classroom use, accompanied by teachers' notes, published on the NRICH website.
We love creative mathematics!
We have always aimed to encourage creative thinking, curiosity, exploration, discussion and discovery. The free mathematics education resources for ages 3 to 19 on our hugely successful NRICH site support teachers in engaging all learners with rich, rewarding mathematical activities, while our free online magazine Plus, for older readers, is packed with stories exploring the results of mathematical creativity and discovery. Our new Wild Maths project aims to take this one step further, providing mathematical games, challenges, investigations and articles aimed at children and students working individually, or with a parent.
Thank you to the Templeton World Charity Foundation for their generous support for this project.