Can there be 100 people and takings of exactly £100 if the prices are:
Adults £4.00
Pensioners £1.00
Children £0.50
What if the prices are:
Adults £5.00
Pensioners £2.50
Children £0.50
Here are some questions you might like to consider:
- How many solutions are there for each set of prices?
- If I can find one solution, can I use it to help me find all the other solutions?
- Can you find alternative sets of prices that offer many solutions? What about exactly one solution?
- If a children's film has an audience of 3 children for every adult (no pensioners), how could the prices be set to take exactly £100 when all the seats are sold?
- What about a family film where adults, children and pensioners come along in the ratio 2:2:1?
I'm presuming for the first
I'm presuming for the first one there has to be a mixture of ages, or can you just say there would be 100 pensioners paying £1 each?
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or you could just say that there are 200 children
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Too many children!
But there are only 100 seats in the cinema so they wouldn't all get in.
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Cinema Surprises
One solution!
10 adults - £40
30 pensioners - £30
60 children - £30
Total audience 100 – total amount £100
But I can’t see how to get there quickly using a formula. And that would be so helpful...
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Re: Cinema Surprises
That's a good solution - well done!
I think there are some other solutions as well. Finding some of these might help you to work out what connects all of these. What other solutions can anyone find?
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Cinema Surprises
5 adults - £20
65 pensioners - £65
30 children - £15
£15 + £65 + £20 = £100
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Cinema Surprises
2 adults - £8
86 pensioners - £86
12 children - £6
£8 + £86 + £6 = £100
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Cinema Surprises
1 Adult
93 Pensioners
6 Children
2 Adults
86 Pensioners
12 Children
3 Adults
79 Pensioners
18 Children
4 Adults
72 Pensioners
24 Children
10 Adults
30 Pensioners
60 Children
Adults: +1
Pensioners: -7
Children: +6
a = 1 to 14 Adults
p = 100 - 7a Pensioners
c = 6a Children
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Cinema Surprises
Can you explain why the pattern works?
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Children's Film
For a children's film, with 3 children per adult and no pensioners, we could have these prices:
Adult Price: £1.75
Children Price: 75p
Adult Price: £2.50
Children Price: 50p
Adult Price: £3.25
Children Price: 25p
The formula I found was:
$n = 1, 2$ or $3$
Adult Price $= 1 + 0.75 \times n$
Children Price $= 1 - 0.25 \times n$
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Children's Film
How did you find that formula? While it does work, you might be able to find another formula that can give you many more solutions.
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Cinema Surprises (a set of prices that has only one solution)
We found a set of prices with only one solution:
We first used trial and error to find out what numbers could work, then we proved it by using a formula.
$7a+3p+0.5c = a+p+c$
$6a+2p = 0.5c$
$7a+3p+6a+2p = 100$
$13a+5p = 100$
$p = 20-\frac{13a}{5}$
$a$ cannot be more than 10 because if we input it in the equation $p = 20-\frac{13a}{5}$, it would give us $p=-6$ and we can't have negative pensioners. So the number that would work would have to be 5 Then we know that the number of adults would be 5 and the number of pensioners would be 7.
So, eventually the answer for the number of people would be: 5 adults, 7 pensioners, and 88 children, and the earnings would be: £35 from adults, £21 from pensioners, and £44 from children.
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We found a set of prices that only has one solution:
Adults £6
Pensioners £5
Children £0.50
For $p=5$, we find that $a=5$. If we increase $p$, the next $100-9p$ that is divisible by 11 is negative, so we only have one solution. This is 5 adults, 5 pensioners and 90 children.
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Cinema Surprises
Adult tickets are £5, Pensioners tickets £2.5 and Children tickets £0.5
Adult Children Pensioners
1 6 93
2 12 86
3 18 78
5 30 65
6 36 68
7 42 51
8 48 44
9 54 37
10 60 30
11 66 23
12 72 16
13 78 9
14 84 2
Formula: A = Number of Adults
6A = Number of Children
100 - 7A = Number of Pensioners
Therefore, we have 14 solutions for this set of prices.
Adult tickets are £5, Pensioners tickets £2.5 and Children tickets £0.5
$A+C+P = 100$
$5A+0.5C+2.5P = 100 = A+C+P$
$4A+1.5P = 0.5C$
$5A+4A+1.5P+2.5P = 100$
$9A = 100-4P$
$A = (100-4P)÷9$
$4P = 100-9A$
$P = (100-9A)÷4 = 25-(9A÷4)$
Therefore, for 0 adults, we have 25 pensioners. This leaves 75 children, which gives us $0\times 5 +25\times 2.5 + 75\times 0.5 = 100$.
For 4 adults, we get 16 pensioners and 80 children. This gives us $4\times 5 +16\times 2.5 + 80\times 0.5 = 100$.
For 8 adults, we get 7 pensioners and 85 children. This gives us $8\times 5 +7\times 2.5 + 85\times 0.5 = 100$.
For 12 adults, we get -2 pensioners, which we can't have, so there are no more solutions. Therefore, there are 3 solutions for this set of prices.
Prices with only one solution: Adult tickets are £7, Pensioners tickets £3 and Children tickets £0.5.
$A+C+P = 100$
$7A+3P+0.5C = 100 = A+C+P$
$6A+2P = 0.5C$
$7A+3P+6A+2P = 100$
$13A+5P = 100$
$P = (100-13A)÷5 = 20-(13A÷5)$
If $A = 5$, then $P = 20-(13\times 5÷7) = 7$
Therefore, there is only one combination of five Adults, seven Pensioners and 88 Children if Adult tickets are £7, Pensioners tickets £3 and Children tickets £0.5.
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The ticket price must average $1 / seat. Since pensioners pay the desired rate, arrange adults to children ratios to average $1/ seat i. e. 1 adult to six children ($7 / 7 seats) . Now the cinema can be filled by any no. of groups of 7 adults and children from 1 to 14 and make up the numbers to 100 with pensioners.
If the prices change use the same logic i.e. the average ticket price must equal $1.
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